This is a unique feature of the cpremote software. You can backup your entire server’s Operating system into another local disk or over an ssh account. This option will sync everything . This will be helpful to restore your data at the time of a disaster. It is recommended to add a secondary HDD to store the OS backups. You may probably need double the size of your current disk usage in a storage pool.
Disaster management only support Local Storage Pools and SSH Pools.
You can configure Daily and Weekly Disaster backups.
Item | Description | Value |
Disaster Management | Enable or Disable the Disaster backups | Enable or Disable |
Backup Home Dir | Choose whether you need to backup /home partitions | Enable or Disable |
Exclude Root Directories from sync | You can exclude a particular folder under / . The folders like /proc , /sys, /run , etc will be automatically excluded. | Comma separated folder name under / . No slashes. |
Daily Backup Status | Enable Daily disaster backups | Enable or Disable |
Daily Storage Pool | Select the Daily storage pool | Pool name |
Weekly Backup Status | Enable Weekly Disaster backups | Enable or Disable |
Weekly Storage Pool | Select the weekly storage pool | Pool name |
Week Day to run the weekly backup | Select the day of the week in which you need to take the backup | Day names |
All Disaster backups are incremental backup . This will help to increase the speed and update only modified files.