These tools are for System Administrators . You can do every front-end operations from the command line. The main commands and its aim is given below.

Command Description
/usr/local/cpremote/bin/cpremotectl The main cpremote command line operations
/usr/local/cpremote/bin/restore Rewarow backups from server console
/usr/local/cpremote/bin/transfer Server Migration and Transfer tool
/usr/local/cpremote/bin/backupdownload Backup download tool
/usr/local/cpremote/bin/buildpython Cpremote python build and update tool
/usr/local/cpremote/bin/hookmanager Mange WHM/Cpanel hooks

The only tool that you probably need is the cpremotectl command.

Please read the full options of cpremotectl command below. Each option is self explanatory

root@cldev:$ ~ # /usr/local/cpremote/bin/cpremotectl
Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Syslint Technologies India(P) LTD.
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Usage: cpremotectl [command] <options>  [values]

Command Groups:
    build <option>	    - For building purpose
	    sshkeys	    - Build cpremote ssh keys
	    poolstats       - Build the status of storage pool backups
	    diskusage       - Build the disk usage of cpanel users
            mailstatus      - Build list of all email accounts in server
            schedule        - Create the schedule jobs
    builduserschedule       - Create the user schedule jobs
            user=<cpuser>   - Cpanel user

    deploy <option>         - For deployment purpose
           sshkey           - Deploy SSH Key in your remote ssh storage pools 
         - Deploy Key to remote storage
    testpool <pool name>    - Test the connection to a pool
    testuserpool            - Test the connection to a user  pool
            user=<cpuser>   - Cpanel user name
            pool=<poolname> - User storage pool id  
    backup <options>        - The backup data processing tools
            list                - List the last 7 days backup information from all storage
                last=<day>      - View the backups of lastnumber of days ,where day=Number
                pool=<poolid>   - Vew from storage pool here pool, where poolid is id of pool
                user=<cpuser>   - View cpanel user backup where cpuser is the cpanel user name
                job=<jobid>     - List backups from Schedule job id 
                type=<type>     - Vew the type of backups ,where ,
                                  type is  cpanel,mail,mysql,dns,cron or folder
                                  You may also uise a command separated types
                output=json     - View as json data
            info <options>      - Get all information about a backup, options backup id is required
                <backup id>     - Enter the backup id 
                output=json     - View as json data
            search  <options>   - Seach the backups
                <item>          - A Key word to search 
                output=json     - Output as json
            download            - To download a backups
                backup=<id>     - The backups id
                to=<path>       - Where to store the backup
    cdp <option>        - The Continuous Data Protection (CDP) Command line
            init        -   Initialize the CDP service
            start       -   Start the CDP service
            stop        -   Stop the CDP service
            enable      -   Enable the CDP service , if disabled 
            disable     -   Disable the  CDP service
            log         -   List the last 7 days log
            logjson     -   List the last 7 days log as json
    disablecp           -   disable the end user cpanel interface of cpremote
    enablecp            -   Enable the end user cpanel interface of cpremote
    disable             -   Disable Cpremote
    enable              -   Enable Cpremote if disabled
    version             -   Show the version of cpremote 
    help                -   Show this menu

Please read the full options of restore command below. Each option is self explanatory

root@cldev:$ ~ # /usr/local/cpremote/bin/restore 
Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Syslint Technologies India(P) LTD.
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Usage: restore [command] <options>  [values]

Command Groups:
    --mysql=<db name>   --from=<backup id>  -   Restore mysql database from cpanel / scheduled backup id
    --email=<address>   --from=<backup id>  -   Restore Email address from cpanel / scheduled backup idp
    --path=<full-path>  --from=<backup id>  -   Restore file or folder from cpanel backup id
    --dns=<domain>      --from=<backup id>  -   Restore DNS Zone file from cpanel / scheduled backup id
    --site=<domain> --from=<backup id>      -   Restore website from the cpanel / scheduled backup id
    --home  --from=<backup id>              -   Restore home directory from the cpanel backup id
    --cron  --from=<backup id>              -   Restore cron job from cpanel / scheduled backup id
    --directory  --from=<backup id>         -   Restore Directory  from Scheduled  backup id
    --backup  --from=<backup id>            -   Restore the backup from backup id . The full restore 
                                                This will restore the backup as is
    --daemon                                -   Run as background daemon service
    --multi=id1,id2,...                     -   Restore mutiple backups

Please read the full options of transfer below. Each option is self explanatory

 root@cldev:$ ~ # /usr/local/cpremote/bin/transfer 
Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Syslint Technologies India(P) LTD.
Visit :
Usage: restore [command] <options>  [values]
Cpremote server migration utility

Command Groups:
    --user=<user name>      --from=<backup db>  -   Transfer cpanel backup from tranfer db 
    --multi=user1,user1,.   --from=<backup db>  -   Transfer mutiple accounts
    --full      --from=<backup db>              -   Transfer  All accounts
    --daemon                                    -   Run as background daemon service

Please read the full options of backupdownload transfer below. Each option is self explanatory

 root@cldev:$ ~ # /usr/local/cpremote/bin/backupdownload 
Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Syslint Technologies India(P) LTD.
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Usage: restore [command] <options>  [values]
Cpremote backup download  utility

Command Groups:
    --user=<user name>  -   Give this ownership for download files 
    --multi=id1,id2,.   -   Download Multiple backups
    --from=<backup id>  -   Single backup id 
    --to=<path>         -   Where to store downloaded files
    --daemon            -   Run as background daemon service

Please read the full options of buildpython below. Each option is self explanatory

root@cldev:$ ~ # /usr/local/cpremote/bin/buildpython 
copyright (c) Syslint Technologies
The  Python Build Tool ( /opt/cppython )

usage : /usr/local/cpremote/bin/buildpython [ options ]


        --help          = To show this help
        --install       = Install the default python version
        --install version-number  = Install your custom python version. Python 3 is mandatory  
        --modinstall    =>  Install required python modules

Please read the full options of cpremoteschedule transfer below. Each option is self explanatory

 root@cldev:$ ~ # /usr/local/cpremote/bin/cpremoteschedule
Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Syslint Technologies India(P) LTD.
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Description: This is the cpremote job handler tool. Any job can be initiated with this tool.

Usage: cpremoteschedule --user=< user_name > --job=< job_id >
Options:  All options are mandatory

    --user=<user_name>    , where user_name is the cpanel user
    --job=<job_id>        , where job_id is the scheduled job id
    --demon              , run as background daemon service

Please read the full options of hookmanagerbelow. Each option is self explanatory

root@cldev:$ ~ # /usr/local/cpremote/bin/hookmanager 
Copyright (C) 2009-2020, Syslint Technologies India(P) LTD.

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Cpremote Cpanel Hook Manager
For integration with WHM and Cpanel API

usage: /usr/local/cpremote/bin/hookmanager install|remove